Connect through music
Tailored playlists for your business
Proudly delivering music magic to:
How it works

We tailor your music profile to fit your brand identity.


We schedule the right music at the right time.

Connect your sound system to our plug and play solution.
We update your music. You get peace of mind.
Royalty Free Music
Functional background sound

Cost effective – no extra
public licence fees

Suitable for large spaces

Music updated monthly

Free technical support
Start stream now
Premium Music
Any song available

Build your brand identity

Weekly updates

App for Android and Apple

Free technical support

3 additional playlists for free

Commercial messaging
Start stream now
Get started with Royalty Free Music
Just type your contacts and we will take care of the rest.
Get started with Standard Music
Just type your contacts and we will take care of the rest.
Get started with Premium Music
Just type your contacts and we will take care of the rest.